Thursday, August 27, 2020
Request For Proposal free essay sample
By and by I dont have involvement with reacting to RFP. A solicitation for proposition (RFP) is a report that an association presents on evoke offers from possible merchants for an item or administration. For instance, another business or a business moving from a paper-based framework to a PC based framework may demand proposition for all the equipment, programming, and client preparing required to set up and incorporate the new framework into the association. A sort of offering requesting in which an organization or rganization reports that financing is accessible for a specific undertaking or program, and organizations can put offers for the tasks fruition. The Request For Proposal (RFP) plots the offering procedure and agreement terms, and gives direction on how the offer ought to be designed and introduced. A RFP is normally open to a wide scope of bidders, making open rivalry between organizations searching for work. Before a RFP is created, the arrangement support ought to consider what goals it wishes to reach as a component of the RFP procedure. We will compose a custom paper test on Solicitation For Proposal or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In considering the objectives for the RFP procedure, plan supports have a chance to use input from members. Most arrangement supporters would concur that both the arrangement and members will at last be served best if time is spent assessing a lot of value proposition so as to choose the best offer, rather than investing energy getting rid of the recommendations that dont meet the plans needs and choosing from those that are left. So RFP planning time and no of individuals inclusion depends on multifaceted nature of the proposition. I don't have any involvement in RFP. Solicitation for recommendations (RFP) are utilized in offering procedure to submit strategic plans. RFP states the prerequisites for the item or administration in the specific structure and organization of the providers reaction. RFP tells the providers about the acquisition administration or material and gives them chance to concoct a best choice. As the organization is utilizing the RFP for offering, it determines that this procedure in serious. The reactions expected for RFP are relied upon to be in an arrangement that is characterized in the RFP itself. Furthermore, RFP characterizes the choice procedure dependent on which the provider will be chosen for the business. RFP represents Request for Proposal. I for one didnt have any experience working with RFP. Be that as it may, on the off chance that I get a chance to chip away at RFP, I would be extremely cheerful for taking a shot at it. I might want to make reference to barely any significant focuses about RFP. The solicitation for proposition is a report used by numerous associations to get offers of administrations or merchandise from possible sellers. RFPs determine what hardware, programming, and administrations are wanted nd request that merchants give their best costs. The specific structure of a RFP changes from circumstance to circumstance. Some RFPs are quite certain about what things are to be given in what time period. In different cases, things are characterized as obligatory, significant, or attractive, or a few situations are given and the merchant is asked to inquiries that will be utilized to look at the forthcoming sellers. The associations at that point gather the offers and think about them dependent on this foreordained models, at last picking an accomplice or accomplices that best suit their requirements. The people engaged with RFP rely upon the multifaceted nature of the task.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
African American Literature Essay
Zora Neale Hurston is remembered for pretty much every conversation of the Harlem Renaissance as a significant supporter of the development. She has enlivened a few paper length scholarly works that fundamentally talk about her commitment to the development itself. These expositions incorporate Mary V. Dearborns Å"Black Women Authors and the Harlem Renaissance, Sharon Dean and Erlene Stestons Å"Flower-Dust and springtime: Harlem Renaissance Women, John Lowes Å"Hurston, Humor and the Harlem Renaissance, and Ralph D. Storys Å"Gender and Ambition: Zora Neale Hurston in the Harlem Renaissance. (Champion 167) Hurston has likewise enlivened numerous writers to make book length works talking about her work. Those titles incorporate Robert E. Hemenways Zora Neale Hurston: a Literary Biography, Lillie P. Howards Zora Neal Hurston, and John Lows Jump at the Sun: Zora Neale Hurston. These different titles contain quick investigations of the writers life and composing style, just as some contain an exhaustive assemblage of Hurstons short stories and papers. (Champion 167) Hurstons work was not generally gotten well when at first distributed. It is accepted this was on the grounds that most analysts during this timespan were male. Many saw Hurston as politically preservationist and became disturbed in light of the fact that she was Å"supported by white supporters. (Champion 166) Her work titled Their Eyes Were Watching God got a negative survey when the analyst was cited as saying that he trusts it Å"posed circumstances immaterial to African American Struggles. (Champion 166) After her passing, her work appeared to have been overlooked, anyway it indeed developed during the 1970s and 1980s when she was rediscovered and rethought. Quite a bit of her work has been distributed just because or republished and researchers have started analyzing it from the Å"feminist, social and political viewpoint. (Champion 166) Hurston kicked the bucket in 1960, after she spent her most recent couple of years living in destitution; she couldn't get by from her compositions during her lifetime. She had been chipping away at a book titled The Life of Herod the Great, yet it was rarely finished. Her demise was essentially unnoticed by the world and she was covered in a plain grave. (Dickinson) The rediscovery of her work has at last earned her a legitimate spot among artistic greats. The same number of academic subjects, Andrew Crosland calls attention to that it is imperative to recollect to Å"place Hurstons works in chronicled and social setting to increase more extensive viewpoints. Her works stay noticeable tokens of tribulations of being a dark lady in a white and manly ruled society. (Champion 167) Works Cited Balshaw, Maria. Searching for Harlem Urban Esthetics in African American Literature. Real, Va: Pluto P, 2000. Boyd, Valerie. Å"About Zora Neale Hurston. The Official Zora Neale Hurston Website. 2007. . Champion, Laurie, and Emmanuel S. Nelson. American Women Writers, 1900-1945 a Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood P, 2000.
The importance of integrity and leadership Essay
The significance of respectability and initiative - Essay Example As representatives are instrumental in driving a companyââ¬â¢s primary concern honesty and authority sway hierarchical execution. The survey additionally found a positive relationship among's benefits and spotlight on corporate social duty. As the world is as yet battling to come out of the 2008 money related emergency, individuals have understood the need to follow solid moral direct in professional interactions. The greater part of the associations in the mid 21st century began following the act of compensating the chiefs, who indicated high benefits, with colossal rewards and pay parcels with no respect to the methods they were receiving. Debasement, double-crossing and information fudging by chiefs were acknowledged as a component of the game and the presentation connected rewards expanded their voracity at each achievement. This audit intends to see how morals and administration sway an association. It endeavors to see how a pioneer can exhibit moral conduct and what sway it has on the general execution of the association? The significance of honesty and initiative has consistently been a significant subject for concentrate by analysts. This can be exhibited by various investigations that were finished during the late twentieth century to show the connection among morals and business execution just as initiative respectability. Preston directed an exploration on 67 organizations over a time of 11 years to see if there was any causal connection between money related execution and the companyââ¬â¢s CSR strategy (Corporate Social Responsibility which can be considered as an intermediary to uprightness) (Verschoor, 1998). He found that there was no critical negative connection between the two. In any case, he found that both were emphatically related suggesting higher the CSR execution (trustworthiness recognition) higher the business execution. Different examinations too found a positive connection between the two. There were a few examinations which found no or blended connection
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hinduism Chapter 15 of Bhagavad Gita with reference to Upanishads Essay
Hinduism Chapter 15 of Bhagavad Gita regarding Upanishads - Essay Example Schweig. Graham M. Schweigââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Bhagavad Gita: The Beloved Lord's Secret Love Songâ⬠includes the otherworldly ideas, for example, the qualification among body and soul (matter/soul), the rule of nonattached activity, the ideals of disciplinesâ⬠¦ and the particular spots of information and commitment in profound lifeâ⬠(Rosen 108). What's more, Lord Krishna shares knowledge about the genuine idea of God, World and Beings and the hidden unity of God and Being. In ââ¬Å"The Ultimate Personâ⬠section of the Bhagavad Gita, the discussion between the Lord Krishna, the instructor and the understudy Arjuna was introduced. Master Krishna grants his insight through his lessons including the entire Veda. The main issue of his way of thinking is on the most proficient method to achieve and recognize the Supreme Being. Through his lessons, the substance of different trains, for example, Meditation, Karma Yoga, Values, Devotion, are handed-off to his supporters. In this part, Lord Krishna uncovered the supernatural attributes of God, his wonders and excellencies, and his being omniscient, supreme and ubiquitous. The acknowledgment of the Ultimate Truth was uncovered as the reason and benefit of perceiving God was set up through the lessons (Radhakrishnan 48). The arrangement of the universe and its relationship with man was talked about as embodied by the hallowed Ashwattha tree. The relationship of the everlasting interminability of the spirit of people with the possibility of the Supreme Being was depicted through the boundless character of the tree, likewise called as banyan or fig tree. Ruler Krishna figuratively portrayed that the everlasting tree was topsy turvy, where the roots are situated above and the branches underneath. The leaves of the tree speak to the Vedic sacred writings, and whoever comprehends this is all around educated regarding such (Bhagavad-Gita Trust), With its underlying foundations upward, and its branches descendin g they discuss the everlasting Ashwattha tree, Whose leaves are the Vedic psalms one who realizes this is the knower of the Vedas (Schweig 193). A hallowed banyan tree is boundless, scattered wherever in space. The base of the tree speaks to the sacrosanct being, its leaves as its composed shrewdness, and its shoots as the substance of the brain. As indicated by a critique of Sridhara Swami cited by Bhagavad-Gita Trust, â⬠¦the caring Supreme Lord initially explains the idea of this ordinary material presence by the representation of asvattha or banyan tree with its underlying foundations upwards and its branches downwards and its leaves the Vedic apothegms. The roots above alludes to the foundation of all the everlasting Supreme Lord and the perpetual atma or eternal soul. The branches descending alludes to brief living substances comprising of the mythical beings headed by Brahma, who all have a limited range of life in material presence regardless of whether they live for mill ions and billions of years. The banyan tree likewise represents the transitory idea of the material world. Indeed, even the devotees of the Lord Krishna may not go on until tomorrow, for everything in this world is short lived. The Vedas, as exemplified by the leaves,
Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed I Have a Gap in My Resume Â
Blog Archive MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed I Have a Gap in My Resume The perfect MBA applicant does not actually exist. However, the perception of the perfect applicant absolutely doesâ"he/she is an individual who scales greater and greater personal, community, and professional peaks unabated until finally applying to business school. Because of this idealized image of an applicant, candidates who have taken any time off from their professional pursuits think of themselves as disadvantaged. They worry that the admissions committees will see the gap(s) in their professional timeline and dismiss them outright. After all, the schools probably have numerous other, seemingly more determined individuals they could admit, right? Time off can be destructive, true. If you spent a year sitting on your couch watching reality TV, you may be in trouble. If you have a strong professional history and spent one month between jobs sitting on your couch watching reality TV, your record should still speak for itself. But even if you do take (or have taken) an extended leave, as long as you are productive during that time and grow personally, you should still be just fine. In fact, an adventure may even add to your story and help you differentiate yourself. If you spend six months or a year traveling before you start your professional career, you are certainly still eligible for a top MBA program. If you take personal leave to care for a family member, do charity work, or even pursue a personal passionâ"an art form, for exampleâ"as long as you can show purpose and reveal a broad record of competency, an admissions officer should still see your merits. Admissions officers areâ"and this may be surprising to someâ"human beings. They understand that applicants are not robots and that they have interests, passions, and personal lives. If you make good use of your time, they will not condemn you. They just might envy you. Share ThisTweet Admissions Myths Destroyed
Sunday, June 28, 2020
How Tv/Radio Culture Affects Education In The Modern Society - 1100 Words
How Tv/Radio Culture Affects Education In The Modern Society (Essay Sample) Content: Studentââ¬â¢s Name Professor Course Date TV/Radio Culture Network systems have a strong effect not only in the education sector but also religion, personal beliefs and the national culture. With the increase in population, the world is getting smaller as we get to connect with more people that we could imagine before. A national culture is essential in distinguishing states and thus plays a significant role in determining how we differ in terms of ideologies, traditions, norms, and beliefs. Various forms of network systems ensure that a national culture has diffused into as many people as possible in the population (Medoff & Barbara 12-13). After the diffusion, common habits are instilled like drinking coffee, using a certain brand of detergents or smoking a specific type of cigarette. Network systems, therefore, play an integral part in ensuring that every citizen is socialized and aligned to think and act in an almost uniform manner. Television has a grea t influence on the learning mechanism of any given societal context, especially when there are differences that make to choose another language of communication instead of their own. The communication behind this device makes it more important in the diffusion of the cultural ideas than the written or spoken word. It is through the television that people learned from the Chinese that after waking up in the morning, it is necessary to have a cup of tea. There are many groups of people within any given nation that makes it difficult to learn about each. The information about these groups of people can only be aired on the television to appreciate diversity and learn from one another. Citizens, therefore, get a chance to appreciate diversity and promote tolerance even to those communities where there are few shared interests. Televisions can determine a national culture on which forms of entertaining are more appealing. The entertainment can be fine-tuned to focus on the specific grou ps like the aged and the lonely (Medoff & Barbara 40). There are however other aspects of the television that spread bad influence to the people. For, example, they are used to expose criminal items and expose people to sensuality as well as other anti-social elements that have adverse effects to the future generation. These negative themes feature in films, interviews, and advertisements. The positive side of the traditional national culture is thus run down with values and ideal losing their meaning in the long-term. Besides, viewers can also be dehumanized through the exposure to militancy, criminality, and extreme negative treatments. Entertainment can also spread a bad culture to children within a given country. In many countries, there are filming boards that are responsible for regulating the content that the children are exposed to. The guidelines observed by these officials are derived from the national cultural norms that the entertainment sector must conform to (Medoff & Barbara 73-82). In some countries like France, the exposure of children to materials with homosexuality theme in cartoons is considered as a crime because of the importance of reserving some views until they reach an age of reason. Whenever children spend too much time watching television, the addiction results to negative impacts on their socialization skills, performance in school and the participation in entertainment activities. Television can also be used as a control tool by the government to ensure that the subjects are always submissive. Some nations like North Korea have been using the television only to spread those propagandas that guarantee the survival of the current regime. The national culture, in this case, is thus determined by the presidency through telling the citizens what to and what not to believe. Besides, it should be noted that the television too can be used to spread positive aspects such as democracy and the awareness of the peoplesââ¬â¢ fundamental hu man rights. The United States is the extreme opposite of the North Korean case, with the former using the media to spread positive values in the society like making the citizens aware of their civil rights during search and seizure as stipulated in the fourth amendment. Radio broadcasting is one of the most effective broadcasting tools that have played a primary role in educating and ultimately, civilizing humankind. Before the discovery of the radio, oral communication was important in passing over the accepted values systems from one generation to the other. However, this method changed, and the efficiency of communication was taken a notch higher because of the ability to reach a wider population and within a short period (Medoff & Barbara 53-55). Regardless of the citizens social class, they can always tune in and get the latest news either local or international. While local news are used to make the audience much aware of their immediate environment, international news is essential in understanding the developments in the international arena that may directly or indirectly impact on the affairs of the citizens. Before the invention of the television, people were relying on the radios to get important information regarding the common enemies of the state that may be planning attacks. The concept of controlling the people through media regulation began with the passing of information through the radio and has changed over time to include the internet. The control had both the positive and the negative aspects. For example, religious broadcasting that followed the discovery of the radio played a significant role in spreading doctrines that were aimed at promoting social order hence the peaceful coexistence among the people. The state also supported this idea until a need arose to establish a dichotomy between religious and political affairs. Besides the role that radio played in religion, it also influen...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Mary Surratt Executed in Assassination of Lincoln
Mary Surratt, a boardinghouse operator, and tavern keeper, was the first woman to be executed by the United States federal government, convicted as a co-conspirator with Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth, though she asserted her innocence. Biography Mary Surratts early life was hardly notable. Surratt was born on her familys tobacco farm near Waterloo, Maryland, in 1820 or 1823 (sources differ). Raised as an Episcopalian, she was educated for four years at a Roman Catholic boarding school in Virginia. Mary Surratt converted to Roman Catholicism while at the school. Marriage to John Surratt In 1840 she married John Surratt. He built a mill near Oxon Hill in Maryland, then bought land from his adopted father. The family lived for a time with Marys mother-in-law in the District of Columbia. In 1852, John built a home and tavern on a large plot of land hed purchased in Maryland. The tavern was eventually also used as a polling place and post office as well. Mary first refused to live there, staying at her in-laws old farm, but John sold it and the land hed bought from his father, and Mary and the children were forced to live at the tavern. In 1853, John bought a house in the District of Columbia, renting it out. The next year, he added a hotel to the tavern, and the area around the tavern was named Surrattsville. John bought other new businesses and more land and sent their three children to Roman Catholic boarding schools. The family owned a number of slaves, though some were sold to settle debts. Johns drinking worsened, and he accumulated debt. Civil War When the Civil War began in 1861, Maryland stayed in the Union, but the Surratts became known as sympathizers with the Confederacy. Their tavern was a favorite of Confederate spies. Did Mary Surratt know this? The answer is not known for certain. Both of the Surratt sons became part of the Confederacy, Isaac enlisting in the cavalry of the Confederate States Army, and John Jr. working as a courier. In 1862, John Surratt died suddenly of a stroke. John Jr. became postmaster and tried to get a job in the Department of War. In 1863, he was dismissed as postmaster for disloyalty. Newly a widow and saddled with debts her husband left her, Mary Surratt and her son John struggled to run the farm and tavern, while also facing investigation by federal agents for their possible Confederate activities. Mary Surratt rented the tavern to John M. Lloyd and moved in 1864 to the house in Washington, DC, where she ran a boardinghouse. Some authors have suggested that the move was meant to advance the familys Confederate activities. In January 1865, John Jr. transferred his ownership of the familys properties to his mother; some have read this as evidence he knew he was engaged in treasonous activity, as the law would permit the property of a traitor to be seized. Conspiracy In late 1864, John Surratt, Jr., and John Wilkes Booth were introduced by Dr. Samuel Mudd. Booth was seen at the boardinghouse frequently from that time. John Jr. was almost certainly recruited into the plot to kidnap President Lincoln. The conspirators hid ammunition and weapons at the Surratt Tavern in March 1865, and Mary Surratt traveled to the tavern on April 11 by carriage and again on April 14. April 1865 John Wilkes Booth, escaping after shooting the President at Fords Theater on April 14, stopped at Surratts tavern, run by John Lloyd. Three days later, District of Columbia police searched Surratts home and found a photograph of Booth, possibly on a tip associating Booth with John Jr. With that evidence and testimony of a servant overhearing mention of Booth and a theater, Mary Surratt was arrested along with all others in the house. While she was being arrested, Lewis Powell came to the house. He was later linked to the attempt to assassinate William Seward, Secretary of State. John Jr. was in New York, working as a Confederate courier when he heard of the assassination. He escaped to Canada to avoid arrest. Trial and Conviction Mary Surratt was held at the Old Capitol Prisons annex and then at the Washington Arsenal. She was brought before a military commission on May 9, 1865, charged with conspiracy to assassinate the president. Her lawyer was the United States Senator Reverdy Johnson. John Lloyd was also among those charged with conspiracy. Lloyd testified to Mary Surratts prior involvement, saying she had told him to have shooting-irons ready that night on her April 14 trip to the tavern. Lloyd and Louis Weichmann were the main witnesses against Surratt, and the defense challenged their testimony as they were also charged as conspirators. Other testimony showed Mary Surratt loyal to the Union, and the defense challenged the authority of a military tribunal to convict Surratt. Mary Surratt was quite ill during her incarceration and trial and missed the last four days of her trial for illness. At the time, the federal government and most states prevented felony defendants from testifying at their own trials, so Mary Surratt did not have an opportunity to take the stand and defend herself. Conviction and Execution Mary Surratt was found guilty on June 29 and 30 by the military court of most of the counts on which shed been indicted, sentenced to be executed, the first time that the United States federal government had subjected a woman to capital punishment. Many pleas were made for clemency, including by Mary Surratts daughter, Anna, and five of the nine judges of the military tribunal. President Andrew Johnson later claimed he had never seen the clemency request. Mary Surratt was executed by hanging, with three others convicted of being part of the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, in Washington, DC, on July 7, 1865, less than three months after the assassination. That night, the Surratt boardinghouse was attacked by a souvenir-seeking crowd; finally stopped by police. (The boardinghouse and tavern are today run as historical sites by the Surratt Society.) Mary Surratt was not turned over to the Surratt family until February of 1869, when Mary Surratt was reburied in Mount Olivet Cemetery in Washington, DC. Mary Surratts son, John H. Surratt, Jr., was later tried as a conspirator in the assassination when he returned to the United States. The first trial ended with a hung jury and then the charges were dismissed because of the statute of limitations. John Jr. admitted publicly in 1870 to have been part of the kidnap plot which led to the assassination by Booth. More About Mary Surratt Also known as: Mary Elizabeth Jenkins SurrattReligion: raised Episcopalian, converted to Roman Catholicism at school Family Background: Mother: Elizabeth Anne Webster JenkinsFather: Archibald Jenkins, tobacco farmer, Maryland Marriage, Children: husband: John Harrison Surratt (married 1840, died 1862; tavernkeeper)children: three, including two sons involved in the ConfederacyIsaac (b. 1841)Elizabeth Susanna known as Anna (1843)John Jr. (1844)
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Some people born with quality of acting as an entrepreneur - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2775 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Career Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Few days ago, we came across one article from INSEAD (2008) named as The Internet Entrepreneur: Made, not Born. In the past there has been discussion over subject Are Entrepreneurs are born or made In fact no one has been really able to answer the question in a perfect way. But as we can realised , in todays world there are many universities taking up classes in Entrepreneurship. Now it has been a question, whether entrepreneurship is an natural ability or there are some people born with quality of acting as an entrepreneur. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Some people born with quality of acting as an entrepreneur" essay for you Create order There have been diversified views about this question amongst all thinkers. There are some people with the thinking that now days this question is out of date. An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. First thing we will have a look at what is Entrepreneurship, is it just innovation or something more than that. Entrepreneurship is not only about modernisation, but it starts with bringing up new ideas. Entrepreneurs had to take efforts to make their innovation transformed into economic good and in the same time taking care of finances and business understanding required to carry on the process. It can be either a totally new company or organisation. It also can be a new product development in an existing company. Actually it has to be about starting a new venture with an innovative product which has good economic value. An entrepreneur is the one who has innovation, ability to take financial and organisational risk and being responsible for the same and to face the market competition of its products. According to Schumpeter, Entrepreneurship innovation is not just about a new product but the innovation can also be found in new production methods, new markets, or new form of organisations. Schumpeter further suggested that entrepreneurship can be taken as a function of putting together different inputs in an innovative way that creates greater value for product and has an economical sustainability. This discussion suggests us that there are different point of views regarding our topic. And even it can be seen that there are gaps between new thinkers and old thinkers regarding perception about Entrepreneurship. Earlier the definition was about innovativeness of the product now even developing a new process is also an entrepreneurial skill. That gives us the idea of changed perceptive of entrepreneurship over the years. As we discussed, there is a changed perceptive about Entrepreneurship over the years. Nowadays it can be seen that there are many universities which have undertaken the teaching of Entrepreneurship classes. Actually speaking Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest growing subjects at UK colleges and universities. In todays circumstance, there are more than 1000 courses at various colleges and universities for entrepreneurship and the number of these courses is increasing every year. Over the years besides the general entrepreneurship, these universities and college are offering courses such as Social Entrepreneurship, Family Business Entrepreneurship, Technical Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Performing Arts Entrepreneurship. There has been a lot of increase in number of school and colleges offering such courses. Objective Research Aim: This project is aimed at finding out the facts about can universities in Europe are able to train young students to become Entrepreneurship through various courses offered by them and find out the how do they do this. Key Research Objectives: To find out the outcome of courses available for entrepreneurship offered from different universities and also do student got inspired from such education. To find out if any entrepreneurs success stories are associated with such courses. To establish the relationship between entrepreneurship courses and their effect on students in Europe. The role played by Universities and Business school in bringing up entrepreneurial skills. Significance of the Research To improve general understanding of role played by Europe Universities and enhance entrepreneurial skills. Enrichment on available literature about entrepreneurial education. Literature Review Entrepreneur, manager and owner are many a time taken for one other, but they have a very different understanding in business context. But out of all these, Entrepreneur stands apart, because he is a 100% leader. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) employment outlook report (2009) shown that there will be a high unemployment rate in the future. Youth unemployment rate tends to be half of adult rate. This suggests that there is a vital need of new businesses and Entrepreneurs are really what indu stry and economy wants in this particular situation. Knowing that, new business proposals will help innovativeness and it will definitely increase employment opportunities. These innovations will guide to new economic formations and trends in industry. Here arises the question, with all these possible benefits from Entrepreneurs, is the todays young generation so much interested in being self-employed and that also with innovativeness in their approach? There is a discussion on the topic about how much does university contribute to motivate young entrepreneurs. Most of the Universities are affirming that their entrepreneurship courses have been successful and they are providing the economy with new entrepreneurs. However, there is another wave of thinkers who are certain that going to business school doesnt create Entrepreneurs. In fact, entrepreneurial spirit cannot be taught at any graduation schools. It is said that either you have that potential in you or you just not of that type. There are people who suggest that entrepreneurship cannot be taught but the skills of entrepreneurship can be enhanced. This enhancement is possible through the framework needed for the business plan, how to start the business, possible opportunities and hurdles that may have to face, and motivation for being more creative and opportunistic. Definitions Peter Drucker says, Entrepreneurial management is not natural, creative, or spontaneous but instead is based on a systematic, thoughtful approach of supportive policies practices. Richard Goosen, a lawyer, businessman, professor and academic writer, CEO of MA Capital Corp says, Many times people wonder how can I teach entrepreneurship. In my opinion too its hard to teah in a classroom but you can always from what other people have done and where they have made mistake. According to Jeffry Timmons, Entrepreneurial management is not natural, creative, or spontaneous but instead s based on a systematic, thoughtful approach of supportive policies and practices. Karl Vesper emphasized, An individual embarking on an entrepreneurial venture must realise that the experience involves the emotional implications of differing levels of failure, survival, and success throughout the growth process. It is expressed by many students that their business education in Entrepreneur Skil ls have developed and helped them to build a step of success in their innovation. Entrepreneurial education helps mainly with finding the economic value of their creativity or innovative products. Still there are so many people, who have a strong and different opinion on this topic. These people express their feelings in a very hard ways. And they blame the amount of money involved in the whole process. There are an extreme views about this, one view thinks that entrepreneurship is an innate drive where as there are others who believe educational reforms can change the thinking patterns of youngster to shape them to become an Entrepreneur. Even the EU policy is giving thumbs up to introduce teaching entrepreneurial skills at Universities and colleges or business schools. It is remarkable to note that, in EYCI (European Year of Creativity and Innovation) 2009 the major part of the discussion was can entrepreneurship be taught and it was debated how that innovativeness can be studi ed. Along with this, though universities and business schools are introducing entrepreneurship as a part time or full time course, it becomes necessary to check teachers involvement in the subject which to be taught. Teachers who have chosen a simple path of employment over any risk in life, how can they motivate students. But this problem can be taken care by having special sessions by role models who can advise them on actual life experiences and burn up feelings and finding out the economic value. Over this, even teachers can induce students with experimentation with education of entrepreneurship. Despite of all these favourable responses to universities initiative to start up with entrepreneurship courses, there are people who think other than innate abilities it is just money related issue that has motivated universities and business schools to come up with Entrepreneurship courses. In 1970, less than 20 courses were offered in entrepreneurship. Whereas the scenario was chan ged in 1997 when it was found that more than 400 schools were offering same courses and more than 50 schools had come up with four or more major courses in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship course was first introduced by Harvard University in 1947. In the decade of the 80s, these programs popped up with many opportunities from undergraduate to postgraduate students. Today, it can be seen that there are many opportunities in entrepreneurial education at various levels and with range of options. The discussion has been for many years now, it was thought necessary to find out what the facts associated with this in the 21st century. There have been some research on this topic earlier but the relevance of the same in current context is questionable. Researches were undertaken in the 90s and after all these years, no one can rely on those reports as they are part of history now. Since, there have been a lot of changes happened over the business context, economy, employment opportuniti es and so on. There are many factors which affects this particular topic. According to our understanding, one needs to find out what this means for todays generation to become an entrepreneur and what all opportunities they get to become an entrepreneur. It can be studied that what are the facilities universities are offering to students. Now these facilities include what all courses they provide part time or full time, minor or major, and so on. It will also be interesting to know how much addition value these universities are doing to students on this subject. Also how do they enhance their entrepreneurial skill and how do they teach this subject and at which level. Even it will be interesting to know what all activities and programs or competitions they have to let students understand this topic thorough. Research Design The aim of this project report is to find out role european universities play in shaping young entrepreneurs. So the focus of this research is going to be on UK Universities along with the students from at those universities. The key to any proper research is to identify appropriate research and data collection techniques which will help to collect all relevant information. In this research, one needs to undertake combination of in-depth research along with other literature available from time to time in the prescribed area of research. The research will involve the evaluation on the role of European Universities in developing entrepreneurial skills. The focus of the study will remain about the perception of what people understands in entrepreneurial education throughout European Universities, a closer coordination will be required with all the universities for data collection. This Data collection will include the details about the courses offered, level at which they are offered, what are students thoughts about these courses. Then we can also find out what was the role played by European Universities over the years and hoe entrepreneurship education has come lime light over the years and its emergence and what was the reason behind such a emergence in education sector. This can be analysed through available secondary data and other literature. Even the students who are currently undergoing such education can be examined through questionnaire as well students who are passed out of such educational courses and have succeeded in their endeavours. The detailed process of data collection will be as follows: A thorough literature review is to be undertaken about on available data which will help us to determine the general idea of subject over the years and this will help us to understand if there are any changes in mindset of the people over the years. Finding out the information about the courses offered by various universities and business schools at undergraduate and postgraduate educational levels. This will be important to find out this information, which will give us the information such as how many universities are offering such courses and for how long. what is the development over the years and what is the percentage increase over the years for these courses. Those universities can also help us with what other programs do they have to enhance the skills of their students and have interactions with real life role models in the industry. Universities will be proud to share their success stories if any with us, which will describe how the course helped students to become a ro le model. Then interviewing the students, faculties and industry experts will help us to know better context of entrepreneurial education. Students will be able to share with us their experiences about why they have chosen this education and how do they think this education will help them in their life. Faculties will be able to address issues they face while teaching these subject and how do they think the pattern of students go over the years when it comes to entrepreneurial education. Industry experts or the successful entrepreneurs will be able to advise if they were really guided by such educational courses if any they have attended in the past or whether they think how much an educational course can help to build this career and enhance the skills in this industry. The information collection can be done through telephone and internet. As we can send a document to the sample (chosen university and business school) asking them details in a prescribe format where they have to give information about the courses they are offering and their history. Industry experts can be contacted through any organisation formed by entrepreneurs where details of these people will be easily available. After all this data collection, a research report will be written down that will combine our understanding of the subject based the available data. This can be then compared with earlier literature available to study and what are the implications, does the past years have given to the industry in respect to entrepreneurial education. This will help me to find out the role played by European Universities in shaping young entrepreneurs. It will be helpful to discover what is the contribution of the universities and business school over the years in developing entrepreneurial skills in the youth and overall society. Planning: Recourses: Staff to accumulate data and coordinate with universities and interviewers, Laptops or computers to gather data and organise it in disciplined way, access to academic libraries and other required publications, telephone or mobile phone for communication facilities. Quality of data and Sample: Data requirement and interview questions to be used should be approved by head office. European universities are divided according to their countries, namely UK and Northern Ireland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Norway. Now universities from all these countries are to be contacted that will consuming, instead the study will be restricted only for UK, France and Germany. This will help us to collect usable data in reasonable time and this will be easier to contact maximum sources. Risk Analysis: Risk Impact (I) Prob (P) I x P Contingency Data collection not completed on time 3 1 3 Ensure that at least 90% of sample respond Data lost 3 1 3 Ensure regular backups to secure source No Feedback from Students or Industry Experts 3 2 6 Prepare Convenient and modest Questionnaire Technology fails 2 1 2 Ensure backup solutions are available Time Table: September 2010: Literature Review October, November 2010: Data collection from Universities and Others as explained. December 2010: Compile, Pilot and review collected data January 2011: Data Analysis February 2011: Final writing of the Project Report. Limitations This study is meant to be for entire Europe but since geographical constraint may arise, we have limiting our research to a limited region: UK, France, Germany. We will be focusing on. We will not be able to reach all the students, so we will restrict our research up to 1000 students who are currently studying at such universities. Conclusion We would like to conclude our proposal by reiterating our objective of undertaking this research, which is to understand the role of European Universities in influencing the careers of young entrepreneurs and their contribution towards entrepreneurial educational courses. It is a serious note in the benefit of society to understand such a key point which may l ead to an enhanced industrial approach. This can be understood by undertaking this study in various ways as explained in this report.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Population Growth Pressures On World Resources - 2366 Words
Name: Maulik Sanghvi (500394039) Instructor: Valentina Capurri Course: GEO 702 Date: November 5, 2014 Population growth pressures on world resources Introduction Not everyone admits that the world is getting overpopulated each day. The truth is that; there are real issues that are contributing to the expansion of population, one being food supplies. The World Resources Institute asserts that, by 2050, the population will have gone up by 34%. It means that, there will be an addition of 2.3 billion people on earth. The datum that the population world-wide was 2.5 billion in 1950, the assertion posts a great danger a head since the earth is only one. Therefore, this paper will discuss the growth pressures that exist on world resources as well as its significance and steps that ought to be taken to control it. It is intuitive and obvious that, the more people are, the more resources are required in meeting the needs of the people. More energy is also required. Even though most of the countries are still growing, the relationship between the two aspects is not linear. For instance, between 1990 and 2005, the population in China rose to about 15% yet the energy usage, on the other end, almost doubled (Weddell 23). Today, China is the most populated country. Although, research shows that, India is coming up too with a high population. Assertions are that, by 2028, India will overtake China (Weddell 25). The fact that more people are demanding more resources everyday poses a realShow MoreRelatedPopulation Growth Pressures On World Resources2266 Words à |à 10 PagesPopulation growth pressures on world resources: How significant it is and steps we need to take to control it The worldââ¬â¢s population is expected to grow from 7 billion today to 10 billion people by 2050. Itââ¬â¢s growing, and itââ¬â¢s growing exponentially. But the world we live in is not getting any bigger. We will have the same amount of space we have today in 2050. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Differences Between The United States Constitution And The...
The most thought worthy point in this Constitution Day Program was when they mentioned that the only way to truly understand oneââ¬â¢s own government, other governments must be studied and explored. Otherwise, everything can be exploited or disrespected in their own government. Throughout the program the main topic that is discussed is the similarities and the differences between the United States constitution and the Costa Rican constitution. With the two constitutions there is only a fifteen to twenty percent difference in them, which may not seem like much but it is enough to make a difference. On this Constitution day they had the pleasure of having Dr. Carvajal as a guest speaker. He is a very involved member in the Costa Rican government which gives a very in-depth insight into the way the government functions. He is also a member of the NWOSU review board and tries to come through the campus on occasion. On his extensive resume he has served as the Ambassador of Costa Rica to the European Union, along with being a retired professor from the University of Costa Rica in Political Science. To start off the program J. W. Platt began by asking Dr. Mason if the U.S. Constitution creates federalism. He explained that it is within article four that it is written out, where there cannot be a constitution without a strong state government. The federal government and the state government both influence each other in different ways. While with the Costa Rican government Dr.Show MoreRelatedCosta Rica s Law And The Civil Law1659 Words à |à 7 Pages Costa Ricaââ¬â¢s laws are rooted in civil law rather than the common law to which Americans are accustomed. Civil law can trace its origins back to the time of the Roman Empire, which served as the foundation for the Napoleonic codes passed during the French Revolution. The Spanish law code upon which Costa Ricaââ¬â¢s laws are based is rooted in those Napoleonic codes due to Napoleonââ¬â¢s acquisition of num erous countries that included Spain (Costa Rica civil law, n.d.). Laws in the country of Costa Rica areRead MoreWomen s Suffrage During The Nineteenth Century Essay1488 Words à |à 6 PagesThe womenââ¬â¢s suffrage movements began to emerge during the first half of the nineteenth century. In the United States, a handful of Western states already granted womenââ¬â¢s suffrage during the nineteenth century. However, in the majority of states the enfranchisement of women followed only after the nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which granted full voting rights to women in 1920. Similarly, British women gained partial suffrage through the Representation of the People Act ofRead MoreEssay on Recruitment and Selection Strategy4954 Words à |à 20 PagesCentral America; therefore, they have created a business unit that will be in Costa Rica, from where marketing and sales activities will take place,â⬠(Apollo Group, 2011). [The citation for a direct quote needs the page number] . What are the key qualifications for a person filling the position? Key Qualifications To implement the new direction of expansion of Harrison Corporationââ¬â¢s business unit into Costa Rica, there are five key positions that need fulfilling. Those positions areRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 PagesD421.E77 2010 909.82ââ¬âdc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciencesââ¬âPermanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992 Printed in the United States of America 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 C ONTENTS Introduction Michael Adas 1 1 World Migration in the Long Twentieth Century â⬠¢ Jose C. Moya and Adam McKeown 9 â⬠¢ 2 Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm
Steroids And Other Performance Enhancing Drugs - 1407 Words
Steroids in Sports Introduction The debate over athletes using steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs has always been a hot-button issue in the sports world. From major league athletes in baseball and football; to track stars and bicyclist in the Olympics, the use of steroids in sports has been a wide-range problem. Those who disagree with the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs say that the athletes who use them are breaking the rules and getting an unfair advantage over others. Opponents of steroids say the athletes are endangering not only their own health, but also indirectly encouraging youngsters to do the same (Katz, 2008). On the opposite side, supporters of steroids say that the risk to athletes usingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦What are Steroids / Are they Addictive? To begin, I would like to explain what steroids are and why they are so appealing to athletes. Steroids are a type of drug that increases the bodyââ¬â¢s mass and ability to perform well in certain things. According to an ESPN article, Drugs and Sports, anabolic steroids -- or more precisely, anabolic-androgenic steroids -- are the synthetic derivatives of the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone testosterone. Both anabolic and androgenic have origins from the Greek: anabolic, meaning to build, and androgenic, meaning masculinizing. The need and drive to be the very best at your sport, is a craving (like a drug). Some athletes think that using steroids helps them to perform better than the other person. The harms of using steroids are bad and could get you kicked out the sporting league you are in or worst According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, individuals who abuse steroids can experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking themââ¬âincluding mood swings, fatigue, rest-lessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, and steroid cravings, all of which may contribute to continued abuse. One of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms is depressionââ¬âwhen persistent, it can sometimes lead to suicide attempts. Research has found that some
Ambient Music Essay Example For Students
Ambient Music Essay In the liner notes of Neons 1978 Music for Airports / Ambient 1, he explains his use of the term ambient music to describe the music he was creating at the time. Over the past three years, I have become interested in the use of music as ambiance, and have come to believe that it is possible to produce material that can be used thus without being in any way compromised. To create a distinction between my own experiments in this area and the products of the various purveyors of canned music, I have begun using the term Ambient Music. An ambiance is defined as an atmosphere, or a surrounding influence My intention s to produce original pieces ostensibly (but not exclusively) for particular times and situations with a view to building up a small but versatile catalogue of environmental music suited to a wide variety of moods and atmospheres. Whereas the extant canned music companies proceed from the basis of regulating environments by blanketing their acoustic and atmospheric idiosyncrasies, Ambient Music is intended to enhance these. Whereas conventional background music is produced by striping away all sense of doubt and uncertainty (and thus all genuine interest) from the music, Ambient Music retains these qualities. And whereas their intention is to brighten the environment by adding stimulus to it (thus supposedly alleviating the tedium of routine tasks and leveling out the natural ups and downs of the body rhythms) Ambient Music is intended to induce calm and a space to think. Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting. (One, B. (1978) Ambient 1: Music for Airports. ) Aside from One, other musicians and bands that have had an important influence on he advent of Ambient music are people such as, Wendy Carols (formerly Walter Carols) who produced the original score for A Clockwork Orange, Mike Oldie (Tubular Bells), Evangelism (Chariots of Fire soundtrack). Along with the above-mentioned composer s, Progressive Rock bands Pink Floyd (with albums such as Managua, Meddle and Obscured by Clouds) and Yes with the album Tales From Topographic Oceans have had a major influence on Ambient Rock style bands. Electronic bands such as Jerkwater, Pool Vhf, and Tangerine Dream have made a great impact on electronic based ambient music. Similarly, the Yellow Magic Orchestra has been cited as pioneers of Ambient house music (Alembic. Com (n. D) Derivative Forms Ambient House Ambient House emerged in the late sasss out of a combination of Ambient Music and Acid House, Paul Gentlefolk ran an Acid House night at Heaven, and it was at this Acid House Nights that Alex Paterson ran a chill-out room, where he played Pink Floyd, Brian One and loc songs at low volume.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mob Mentality free essay sample
Research Paper ââ¬â Mob Mentality Mob mentality can occur in any society. It can take place at any time, any day or any night. Mob mentality does not have a direct target. It will take over anyone, leaving them with no control over themselves. Mob mentality proves that under critical situations people will be selfish and follow othersââ¬â¢ leads; however, the leads people usually follow are not the ones best for them. Due to large amounts of stress everyone carries, people do not think as clearly as they normally would. Those horrible leads that people choose to follow will eventually cause groups to become out of control. Violence usually ensues when within a large group. In their respective works, both Arthur Miller and Ray Bradbury write pieces that reflect upon social criticism and how it can corrupt any society to their breaking point. The opportunity for people to relieve their stress is not something thatââ¬â¢s very common. So when it does come around, they will take any chance for relaxation that is given to them. Humans put their own needs in front of all others. They do this even when someone else is worse off than they are. People go to extreme lengths to get rid of whatever it is that is causing them trouble. People add more pressure onto themselves if thereââ¬â¢s a chance that it all can go away in the end. Abigail Williams, from Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s The Crucible, would have done anything necessary to make sure that she was not blamed for the state Betty was in. Abigail would absolutely blame anyone else for what she had done, as long as she could get away with it. As people, we are extremely selfish creatures. Notably when other people are after something, or someone we want. People will use others in order to get what they want, no matter the consequence. After finally getting what they want, people will no longer need whomever they were using and will simply toss others aside without looking back. People think highly of themselves and look down upon others. Humans usually accept this way of thinking due to the fact that itââ¬â¢s a fairly common state of mind. When one person acts in this manner, another person starts to. People behave a certain way in groups that they would not normally act in if they were by themselves (Donely). If there is even the slightest chance that someone else will get what another person wants or needs, they will do everything in their power to make sure they get it first. Humans are greedy and self-absorbed creatures. These characteristics emerge when there is something blocking a person from getting what they want most. Abigail Williams was ready to do whatever was needed in order to get John Procter alone for herself and killing his wife wasnt an exception. Abigail accuses Proctorââ¬â¢s wife, Elizabeth, of using witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. If Abigail is to be believed, Elizabeth will hang for being a witch, and John will belong to her. The emotion of jealous is easy to obtain. Jealously propels people to act on impulse and when acting on impulse, people destroy the source of what is causing their emotions to feel so strongly. Naturally, all human beings want what is best for them. We dont think about the consequences of our actions, or how our actions will affect the ones we know and love. Our thoughts are what we consider or suppose are right for us and we do not think about how they could affect anyone else. A lot of humans have a one-track mind; once they start something, they rarely think about anything else other than their goals until they reach them. In order to achieve what is best for them people recruit others to help them. In Bradburyââ¬â¢s Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag needs help getting away from the authorities so that he can create a better life for himself. If Montag had been alone while he was in the process of running away, he very well may have gotten caught. The men that had helped Montag escape made him think about his actions before he went through with them. If the men had not been there to help Montag, he would have acted on impulses and ruined everything for himself. Thinking differently does not have to be a bad thing. While mob mentality can be destructive to oneââ¬â¢s own life, it can also help it thrive. Confusion is a natural part of life. At some point in everyoneââ¬â¢s life, they dont know what to do and when people do not know what to do in critical situations, they start to panic. Though, if someone else does know what to do, those who are confused will follow that person. Everyone will start to mimic the actions of whoever takes the lead. What starts as one or two people doing the same thing can turn into a mass group following just one persons lead. This is where mob mentality kicks in; most people do not question the actions of their leaders. They simply do as the person in charge does. When people dont understand, they get stressed out. When people are stressed, they dont think straight. In a state of confusion or fear, people tend to join forces, causing them to do the wrong things and follow the wrong leaders (Barnhart). They do not know what, when, or why they should do it. If a person is having a difficult time grasping concepts and ideas, they hold onto any example they can. Like those in The Crucible, the girls follow Abigailââ¬â¢s lead because they have absolutely no idea how to cope with the situation they are in, or theyll have to face the consequences. The young girls know that its not a good decision to act the way Abigail does, but they cannot think of a better option for themselves. It was logical for the people of Salem to believe the girls could tell who were witches because, ââ¬Å"They were part of an unhealthy, potentially dangerous social and psychological atmosphere that had long pervaded the Puritan communities,â⬠(29) as Don Nardo states in The Salem Witch Trials. When people follow another personââ¬â¢s lead, they are hiding themselves from the world and everyone in it. Some people dont like to have attention directed toward them. In fact, some people will do anything to not stand out. They will blend into a crowd by becoming more like the others within the group. When dealing with mob mentality, humans within a group want to become more similar to the others. People constantly pretend to be something they are not. Montag does this in Bradburyââ¬â¢s Fahrenheit 451. Montag acts as if he still believes books are bad and that they need to be destroyed; however, Montag secretly wants to read any book that hes able to get his hands on. He acts as if he hates books so that he is able to fit in with the rest of the firemen. He does not want to look guilty of anything, including deliberately disobeying the firemen rules. People are and always have been naive. Theyll trust anyone if the other person has never given them any reason to doubt them. If someone is similar to another person, they will align themselves with one another. People often congregate with others that they feel are most like themselves (Donely). Montag barely knew Faber when he first confided in him. Montag trusted Faber with keeping his secret, that he had been stashing books that were meant to be burned within his house, away from the firemen. Montag was willing to trust Faber based on one meeting the two had had beforehand. Montag felt safe with Faber due to the fact that Faber didnt want the burning of books to continue. When people follow the leaders of a group, they do not necessarily know any information past their appearance. People follow others blindly; with the subconscious fear that without the others, they would have no one. The presence of mob mentality leads to violence. Its hard to control a large number of people, its even more difficult to manage large groups when the people within it are selfish beings. The best option is to never have an extreme amount of people together; it never ends well. When the people all have harmful personalities, they react terribly with one another and cause large amounts of violence. In The Salem Witch Trials by Sandy Asirvatham, she explains that the stresses of the Puritanââ¬â¢s lives, ââ¬Å"provided fertile ground for discontent and hostilityâ⬠(49). So its not a surprise that arguments over who were witches often broke out and led to the deaths of innocent humans when the people of Salem came together. People do not like it when they dont get what they want or need. They throw tantrums, get angry and fights break out when in large numbers dont receive what they truly want. Even worse, incredible amounts of violence occur. Violence on great levels leads to mass destruction and staggering amounts of death. In The Crucible Abigail Williams has a horrible personality; she is constantly yelling or being rude to someone. When Betty says out loud that Abigail drank a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail slaps her across the face, shouting, ââ¬Å"Shut it! Now shut it! â⬠(Miller 1244). In the end, Abigail causes the death of multiple people and even the man she loves for the sole reason that she didnt get what she wanted. Time is a very important factor. When someone has unlimited time, there is no rush and no stress; however, when people have a limited amount of time to get something done and their time is dwindling down, they start to go crazy. Over time, humans have developed a mentality to ensure better survival. By organizing into groups, the amount of chaos decreases. Groups are an efficient way to get tasks done faster and easier (Barnhart). They lessen the stress that an individual carries single handedly. Even with groups there can still be large amounts of pressure; people will do anything they can to acquire what they want. When the hound was chasing Montag in Fahrenheit 451, he knew he only had a certain amount of time before the hound caught up with him. He began to do anything he could to mask his scent. Montag ordered Faber either burn everything or use alcohol to wipe down what Montag touched. The sprinklers were to be turned on once Montag had left so that his trace would be washed away. Montag even changed into some of Faberââ¬â¢s dirty clothes and drifted down a river in order to get the hound off his trail. If Montag had been alone that night the hound might have caught up to him. When leaders turn violent, so do their followers. The girls in The Crucible were kind and sweet until they started following Abigailââ¬â¢s ridiculous examples. Once Abigail started to become more rebellious and angry, so did the rest of the girls in Salem that were under her influence. Abigail sent the innocent people of Salem to their death for crimes of witchcraft that they did not commit. The girls blamed the people of Salem alongside Abigail, because they thought it was the way out of their mess. People commit desperate acts when competing for something they truly want or need (ââ¬Å"What is Mob. â⬠). The girls started to send people to their death as willingly as Abigail once they realized that they could save their own skin by doing so. Both Arthur Miller and Ray Bradbury provide prime examples of how mob mentality functions. Ultimately, the downfall of a society is due to the social inactions that revolve around mob mentality. Most humans do not know how to react to high levels of chaos in the correct manner so they become more distant from the group. The end result is violence, caused by the selfishness of others. Mob mentality will take over an entire community or even population, but only if we allow it to.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Easy College Application Essay Topics
Easy College Application Essay TopicsWriting an easy college application essay can be accomplished with a little creativity. I have been in situations where I came up with a very creative essay that had the potential to make it on the top of many applications. In this article, I will share a few tips to help you come up with great essay topics that will make it onto your application.Before you write the college application essay, you need to think about what your topic is going to be. What can you relate to and how can you draw a connection between your experiences and the college requirements? This is the first step you need to take when you are looking for great essay topics.With a great topic already selected, you will need to choose from several essay topics. I recommend choosing a topic that is very personal and relates to your personality and style. Write the essay as if you were speaking with a close friend and not as if you were writing an essay that is meant to be published. One important part of your essay should be your conclusion. If you know what kind of information you are going to include, this should be an easy part. However, you should know whether or not you want to include a message or if you would like the reader to form an opinion.Keep in mind that essay topics are not all the same. Some types are more difficult than others. Make sure you are aware of this before you start writing the college application essay.Overall, writing a college application essay can be a challenge. Be sure to take these tips into consideration and work on your essay until you come up with something that everyone likes.Writing an easy college application essay is the most important thing you can do in college. A high school or middle school student can write an essay that will put them on the fast track to the top colleges.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Wolf free essay sample
How does Cassy change throughout Wolf? Having read Wolf by Gillian Cross I thought it was quite an interesting book because it contained a lot of imagery. Wolf was about a girl called Cathleen Phelan (known throughout the book as Cassy) and her wrangle with her father Mick Phelan whose is part of the IRA (Irish Republic Army). The plot of the story is that Cassyââ¬â¢s grandmother gave Cassy some plastic explosives that she stole from Cassyââ¬â¢s father Mick and sent her to live with her mother Susan Phelan(known throughout the book as Goldie ). And throughout the story Cassyââ¬â¢s father was trying to get back his plastic explosives from Cassy, to finish the mission given by the IRA. The climax of the story was when Cassyââ¬â¢s father was ready to kill Cassy if she didnââ¬â¢t return his plastic explosives. Throughout Wolf Cassyââ¬â¢s personality and her way of thinking has definitely changed. We will write a custom essay sample on Wolf or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is mainly due to the fact that sheââ¬â¢s living with Goldie, Robert and Lyall, and her altercation with her father. Cassy is an ordinary looking girl, she has sensible brown eyes and sensible short brown hair. You only had to look at her face to know she wouldnââ¬â¢t do anything wild . Her way of thinking was reasonable and logical which were qualities she had most definitely picked up from her Nan. Her Nan even said ââ¬Å"If everyone was like you the world would be a simpler sweeter placeâ⬠- page 6. Her closest relationship is with her Nan. This is because she lived with her Nan ever since her mother left her, since then she has taken like to her Nan and has built a negative persona of her mother. Throughout the book she doesnââ¬â¢t even call her mother instead she refers to her as Goldie. The reason she doesnââ¬â¢t like visiting her mother is because she thinks she is immature and irresponsible, she also doesnââ¬â¢t like her non- conventional way of living and thinking. Cassy and Nan are part of the workers class. They live in quite a small apartment and they donââ¬â¢t even own a phone so every time they need to call they use their neighbour Mrs Ramageââ¬â¢s phone. Cassyââ¬â¢s time spent with Goldie, Goldieââ¬â¢s boyfriend Lyall Cornelius and Lyallââ¬â¢s son Robert Cornelius, was frightful and life changing for her. At start the thought of living in a place where your disgusted by their lack of cleanliness was frightful, but soon she got accustom to it. She also got accustom to living with Goldie and said ââ¬Å"Goldieââ¬â¢s all right as long as she doesnââ¬â¢t get too excitedâ⬠- page 32. Her thoughts towards Lyall have also changed radically; at first the author had described Lyall with Wolf like characteristics such as having a black face with a fringe of grizzled beard. And thin bony ankles with long-toed feet and long fingers. But soon enough Cassy has found out that was considerate, kind and responsible. At first, Cassy thought that the Moongazer show was just play acting and she said ââ¬Å"She [should] have guessed that Goldie wouldnââ¬â¢t be doing real workâ⬠page-30. But through her experiences of actually taking part in the show she knew that it wasnââ¬â¢t all that easy and that a lot of preparation and practice went into it. Living with her Nan her life had structure and security, but that all changed when she lives with her mother. The short time Cassy was living with her mother she has learnt more about her father than she ever knew living with her Nan because her Nan said ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢ll be time to tell you when you grow upâ⬠- page 47. It was all quite a rush for Cassy from only having a picture of her father looking into the distance to finding out that her father was part of the IRA. She had plenty of questions waiting to be answered, so she stood up for herself and demanded answers from her Nan through the post card. This is fairly out of character for her which means she must have changed. Little red riding hood has 3 main characters. Red riding hood, the wolf and the granny. Cassy is Red riding hood, her father Mick is the wolf and her Nan is the granny. The story is that Red riding hood wants to take a basket of food to her sick grandmother. So she starts upon her journey to her grandmotherââ¬â¢s house through the forest. On the way the wolf asks her for the basket of food but Red riding hood refuses because itââ¬â¢s for her grandmother. So then the wolf goes to her grandmotherââ¬â¢s house and hides her. When Red riding hood arrives the wolf pretends to be her grandmother in order to get the food. Red riding hood realises that so the wolf tries to eat her. Then the woodchopper comes and kills the wolf saving both Red riding hood and her grandmother. The Gillian Cross version of the story is: Cassie is on her way to her Nanââ¬â¢s house, where she comes across her dad who has tied Nan and put her in the bathtub. Cassyââ¬â¢s father is after the plastic explosives that Nan has given her. Cassy refuses to tell him where it is, so her father is ready to shoot Cassy. In that instance the police barge in and arrest him. Soon after Cassy finds out that Goldie is the one who saves her and her grandmother by calling the police. In conclusion, Cassy has definitely changed. She has become more mature through the series of events and has broken out of the robot aura that she has been living with her Nan.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb Essays - Japan, Free Essays
The Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb Essays - Japan, Free Essays The Decision To Drop The Atomic Bomb Maria Tidwell World Cultures III Professor Longfellow 26 November 2000 The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb On August 6th 1945, the world changed forever. The United States dropped the first Atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The surviving witness Miyoko Watanabe describes her experience: I came out of the front dooran intense yellow, orange and white light overwhelmed me the light was thousands of times brighter than a magnesium flash gunI went inside to hideThere were strange sounds, crashing noises and jolts, and I kept no track of the timeI locked back to see how my mom was. She looked worse then a devilish witch. (47) The heat was intolerable; everywhere Miyoko looked there were wounded and dying people, bleeding from all over their bodies like her mom. Miyoko continues, Those who fled from one or one and a half kilometer from the hypocenter really did have to step over bodies and shake off hands grasping their legs for help. When someone caught hold of their shoes they just had to leave their precious shoes and flee otherwise they wouldnt survive(49). A friend of Miyoko told her that he had to leave his sister to die in the flames to save his life. That day, according to the Japan Times, 140,000 died as a direct result of the bombing. Later the total number of victims claimed in Hiroshima City came to 217,137. There is one question that comes to my mind reading these terrible stories from the victims of Hiroshima; was this necessary? Scholars have discussed the question for more than half a century. However, they all agree that the answer to this question does not make the use of atomic weapons seem less awesome or less awful, but it merely throw different light on it. The main argument defending the decision to drop the bomb is that it was necessary to end the war. Richard B. Frank in his book, Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire defends the American decision. Relying on a host of original documentary sources, most notably the Japanese messages that were intercepted and decoded by the American forces, he presents a researched work that attempts to explain what might have happened if the bombs had not been dropped. The reader is left with the unshakable conclusion that the use of the bomb was a necessary evilthat the government of Japan was not ready to surrender, and even after the bombing of Hiroshima, the decision was to fight on. However, the conclusion of his book is that the bombing of Nagasaki (though nowhere near as damaging as the bombing of Hiroshima) persuaded the Japanese cabinet that the bomb was not a one off event, and that they faced certain destruction if they didn't sue for peace. According to Frank, Most American strategists believed that the war with Japan would be a long drown out operation with Japans fanatical resistance extracting mounting casualties the closer the American forces drew to the Home Islands (21). To understand this position, it is necessary to take a closer look at the American experience with the Japanese, during the war. The Japanese were known by their culture of no surrender; they would rather die than surrender. Particularly, in the Japanese military forces this tradition was prominent. Frank continues with a terrible example of this, The first intimations that the Japanese would literally choose death over surrenderand not merely an elite warrior caste but the rank and filecame in August 1942 at Guadalcanal. Two small Imperial Navy island garrisons fought to virtual extinction. Major general Alexander Archer Vandegrift, the Marine commander wrote: I have never heard or read of this kind of fighting. These people refuse to surrender. The wounded wait until men come up to examine themand blow themselves and the other fellow to pieces with a hand grenade(28). Another example, maybe as shocking, happened at the island of Saipan; nearly 30,000 Japanese soldiers fought to the death, only 921 (3 percent) were taken prisoner. On this Island there were 20,000 civilians. Only 10,258 surrendered; the rest chose death. In a carnival of death that shocked even battle-hardened Marines, whole families waded into the sea to drown together or huddled
Saturday, February 22, 2020
What are the possible legal implications of nationalisation ( Essay
What are the possible legal implications of nationalisation ( expropration) regarding foreign oned properties in International Law - Essay Example A discussion of the legal implications of nationalisation or expropriation of the property of foreign investors has been presented in this write up and this should be of interest to all those with an interest in international law and business. I hereby certify that, except where cited in the text, this work is the result of the research carried out by the author of this study. The main content of the study which has been presented contains work that has not previously been reported anywhere. This write-up is submitted in fulfilment for the requirements related to an essay on The Legal Implications of Nationalisation, or Expropriation, regarding Foreign Owned Properties in International Law. National governments, especially governments in the developing world, have been known to have tried to recover control of their own economy and to attempt to do that which will appear to be for their benefit by trying to nationalise, take or expropriate foreign owned business and property. 1 The expansion of Western economies since the nineteenth century has resulted in outflow of capital for investment into the developing world. However, with the formation of national governments after the granting of independence to the former colonies, the foreign business ownership arrangements came under pressure, with the nationalisation measures that had been taken by the former Soviet Union serving as an example for the newly independent states. 2 It has to be appreciated that although certain countries may feel that nationalisation or expropriation may serve in their best interest, the taking of foreign owned property by a host country poses a very significant risk to continued foreign inve stment. Not only is nationalisation, or the taking of private assets by public authorities, a deterrent to continued foreign investment, but it also raises significant issues in international law as
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Assignment - Essay Example The companyââ¬â¢s management is not market oriented and lagging behind market changes is dangerous for any particular company. The paper attempts to look at basic management concepts and their effective application in the daily running of a company. The basic definition of management is getting work done by others. Comprehensively management can be described as a set of functions that are directed at the efficient and effective utilization of resources for the achievement of set organizational goals. The difference thus arises in the management of the Royal Store that violates the definition of management, as its management does not adhere to any set functions. Effectiveness in the running of a business organization refers to the making of right decisions and successfully implementing them. It also means the accomplishing of tasks that are helpful in achieving organizational objectives. On the other hand, efficiency in a business entity refers to getting work done with the use of minimum effort, expense, or waste. Efficiency entails the use of resources available to an organization in the most cost-effective way. Effectiveness and efficiency in any business organization contribute to productivity.... The difference thus arises in the management of the Royal Store that violates the definition of management, as its management does not adhere to any set functions. a) Relationship Between Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Productivity Effectiveness in the running of a business organization refers to the making of right decisions and successfully implementing them. It also means the accomplishing of tasks that are helpful in achieving organizational objectives. On the other hand, efficiency in a business entity refers to getting work done with the use of minimum effort, expense, or waste. Efficiency entails the use of resources available to an organization in the most cost-effective way. Effectiveness and efficiency in any business organization contribute to productivity. This forms one of the major arguments of Taylor on the issue of productivity. Productivity entails the performing of assigned duties in the manner that is required. In any company, the measurement of productivity is imp ortant in relation to the resources employed, which include labor, time, and monetary resources against the total output. Effectiveness and efficiency establish a base in measuring productivity in any organization. The Royal Store in its business activities exhibited lack of efficiency and effectiveness in its management leading to the productivity falling below the ownerââ¬â¢s expectations. The company in its efforts to boost productivity should employ several of Fayolââ¬â¢s principles on successful management. The first principle they can inculcate is the unity of command. The principle means that any organization no matter how large it is should
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Comparing Poetry Essay Example for Free
Comparing Poetry Essay Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Good morning Ms Linton and students, today I will be informing you on why you must choose these two poems for the poetry speaking contest. The poems I have chosen are ââ¬ËThe Man from Ironbarkââ¬â¢, by Banjo Patterson as well as ââ¬ËHe Started the Cycling Crazeââ¬â¢ by myself. Narratives help the readers enjoy and understand poetry as it is a way the poets can connect to their readers by using storylines that may relate to them or something that they enjoy. Storylines of narratives play a major role and without these the readers would not be able to understand what is happening in the story. The story line of ââ¬ËThe Man from Ironbarkââ¬â¢ is about a man who wants his beard to be shaved, so this man heads off to the barber. The barber pulls out a razor and starts to shave his throat. The man from Ironbark fears the barber is a murderer who wants to cut his throat. The storyline of ââ¬ËHe Started the Cycling Crazeââ¬â¢ is about a man who decides to buy a new bike so he goes off to the bike shop. He buys a bike then rides it home and on the way home he rode up the hill then started to roll back. Once he had rolled down the hill he ended up in the creek. Both of these storylines are different in their own way, but one similarity is that a man leaves his home, goes somewhere and in both poems they make a mistake. In all poems there is a difference, but some may be similar in one way or another. The difference between these two poems is that they both contain various poetry techniques and they are both based on individual topics. Each poet uses several techniques and have a different style of writing. In this case these poems are similar as one was re-written from a poem written by the author of the other poem. Every poem can have differences and similarities to other poems. In poetry the poets describe the characters and settings so that the reader can view the image in their head, here is a quote from ââ¬ËThe Man from Ironbarkââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËThe barber man was small and flash, as barbers mostly are, He wore a strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar:ââ¬â¢ This describes how the barber looks and what he is holding. In this part of the poem he is stereotyping barbers to that that they are both small and flash. This helps the reader imagine what the main character is seeing. And from ââ¬ËHe Started the Cycling Crazeââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËHe started to roll down the hill swerving a tree, and almost being stung by a big fat bee, nearly at the lake he had to swerve a carââ¬â¢. This describes what the man on the bike is enduring and what he is seeing. By describing surrounding and what people look like, it allows the reader to create an image in their head of what is happening in the poem. In poetry the poets use poetic devices to make the poems more interesting, this helps the reader keep interest in what they are reading. In ââ¬ËThe Man from Ironbarkââ¬â¢ the poetic devices used include; rhyme, rhythm, repetition, imagery, alliteration, and metaphors. The rhyming patter is a,a,b,b,c,c and the rhythm is shown by the rhyme and the flow or the poem. An example of alliteration is ââ¬Ëupon the newly shaven skin it made a livid mark. ââ¬â¢ As well as ââ¬Ëbrow grew blackââ¬â¢. Imagery is shown in many parts of the poem but particularly when he is describing the barber. ââ¬ËThe barber man was small and flash, as barbers mostly are, he wore a strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar. ââ¬â¢ The metaphor was shown when he referred to the man as a dog. The devices used in ââ¬ËHe Started the Cycling Crazeââ¬â¢ includes rhyme which is used in a pattern of ââ¬Ëa,b,b,aââ¬â¢ as well as rhythm which is seen by the rhyme and flow of the poem. Alliteration was also used in the line ââ¬Ëand almost being stung by a big fat bee. ââ¬â¢ Imagery was also used when describing what was on the road when he was swerving so that he didnââ¬â¢t fall off of his bike. Overall there are many different poetic devices used in poetry and this is shown through these poems. In summary poets use different techniques and devices in their poems so that the poem becomes for intriguing so the reader continues to read on. Devices are used in poetry so that the readers have something to laugh or cry about and are intrigued to read other poems by the poet. Storylines of poems are important as they help describe what is happening in the poem and the reader is able to understand what the characters are doing. To wrap up these two poems should be chosen for the poetry speaking contest as they use various devices and techniques which allows the reader to continue interest in the poem as it goes on.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Imagination and Literature Essay -- Literature Essays Literary Critici
Imagination and Literature à à à The importance and influence of imagination on the creation and critique of literature varies between and within various artistic eras. Originally seen as an aberrant function of the mind, imagination was subservient to the powers of reason and order. Art involved mere replication of the real, a craft rather than an unique act of creation. Beginning as early as Aristotle, however,à human imagination has been linked to the power and value of art. The ascendancy and, in some eras even superiority, of imagination as a potent mental faculty gave birth to new critical enterprises bent on articulating the manner, motivation, and merit embedded in art and the artistic process. By tracing the development of this basic literary concept, it may not be possible to discover a coherent and universal idea of imagination that has evolved throughout history. However, such an inquiry could lead to a better understanding of how the ideas and attitudes about imagination from one age enter i nto an informative and influential dialogue with others. From the rational and pragmatic critics of the Enlightenment to the expressive and Romantic critics of the Nineteenth Century, we can begin to formulate a synthetic rather than absolute understanding of imagination. à à à à à à à à à à à à Though Aristotle first created room for imagination by expanding the expressions of a poet from the actual to the possible "in accordance with the laws of probability or necessity", it was not until much later that the capacity and power of imagination was adequately explored. Imagination was seen as a turbulent, unpredictable, but potentially beneficial force which must be refined and kept within the bounds of reason to pragmatic critic... ... each definition of imagination we have discussed struggles to be independent while simultaneously remaining intertwined to the preceding critical traditions. à Works Cited Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "Bibliographia Literaria" The Critical Tradition. Ed., David H. Richter, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. à Hume David. "Of the Standard Taste" The Critical Tradition. Ed., David H. Richter, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. à Johnson, Samuel. "Rambler, No. 4" The Critical Tradition. Ed., David H. Richter, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. à ---. "Rasselas, Chapter 10" The Critical Tradition. Ed., David H. Richter, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. à à Shelley, Percy Bysshe. "A Defence of Poetry" The Critical Tradition. Ed., David H. Richter, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Understanding Dota Gamers
DotA is an abbreviation of Defense of the Ancients which is a map modification from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne based on the map of ââ¬Å"Aeon Strifeâ⬠of Starcraft, a team game focusing on hero combat. DotA is a five versus five game with two sides which are sentinel and scourge. The map is divided into three lanes where creeps automatically spawn. The objective of the game is to destroy the opponentââ¬â¢s Ancient that is heavily guarded by several defensive towers which attacks hostile creatures. The map was developed with the World Editor of Reign of Chaos.The first DotA map was developed by anonymous modder known as Eul. He released DotA even before the Frozen Throne came out. Then another anonymous modder, Guinsoo, took over and converted DotA for the Frozen Throne, but he later stopped developing maps. Icefrog then took his place and is the current DotA developer. Game is commonly played with teams. Each team creates strategy to win the game. First, they pick hero, one hero for every player. Next, player buys item for the hero to make it strong. And proceed into one lane for defense and offense mode.Hero gains one gold, currency of the game, every second and forty for creeps and two hundred plus for hero kills. Player collects gold by farming, microing, and hostile hero killing to buy recipe items to be synthesized for an upgraded weapon. Also, hero gains level experience, up to level twenty five, every time they kill a creeps and heroes. Every hero has their own unique balance skill. Proper timing and usage of skill is one aspect that a DotA player needs to learn. Ever since the DotA was developed, the game had undergone many changes.Game bugs and glitch do appear and are reported by testers and players. It gives a thought that a modder is not the only developer of the game. The DotA community has their own share. ââ¬Å"But despite all of the communityââ¬â¢s help, it is still Icefrog, a man who may be named Jeremy, who may be from Boston and who may study at UCLA, which makes the final changes. The masses may be the power of the movement, but the figurehead and initiator of all that changes is still focused on a mysterious, almost spiritual figurehead. â⬠1 The popularity of DotA has increased over time.The game can be played around local area network or online through battle. net. Battle. net allows one player to connect with other players in the internet. Garena provides interconnection of players for every game, in this case DotA. It has several rooms created by a host player inviting another player to join in. DotA was once featured in the magazine Computer Gaming World. Different tournaments were done and one of the famous is Electronic Sports World Cup in 2008. LAN tournaments are a major part of worldwide play. From game addiction to game creation, the League of Legends was released.It has the same environment with Defense of the Ancients, but an enhanced and improved graphics and animatio n and different characters, items and skills. Same goes with DOTA 2, the improvised DotA. Everything was remained. DOTA 2 is a whole new game. Even with DOTA 2 released, there are still player of the DotA. Pre-gamers think whether they will try the game or not. They are curious about the game. Things that in their mind are bad pictures like they will be bullied, will be laughed of, or will become attached to the game. They question themselves: why are existing players play DotA? How much fun can they get?How to play the game? With these questions in their mind, they are influence by their curiosity to start and play the game and find the answers themselves. They will seek assistance first, and then remember the basic controls and movements of the character for their next play. In other cases, curiosity is not the reason why someone starts to play DotA. It is the influence of their peers inviting the pre-gamer to join the club ââ¬â DotA gamers. The friendship does not want to be broken. The known reputation of DotA being one of the most addictive games pushes the pre-gamer to decline playing.Some succeed in declining and others did not. It is because they are convinced by their friends to play DotA. Girlfriend of an existing DotA gamer is the common relationship status of girl players. They want to get the attention of their boyfriend. So, girlfriend asks her boyfriend to teach her and learn it herself so they can play and have fun together. Once they have tried the game, it will leave them impressions. The common impression is that it is not good because of the low quality graphical representation and the controls are hard to remember at first.It is also hard to kill an artificial intelligence character that a beginner will think the game is impossible, but this will change later. Another one impression is ââ¬Ëdisappointedââ¬â¢ because their first play could not meet their expectation and will not be satisfied with the result. Some quit at once while other continues. After getting the gameââ¬â¢s information, a beginner will start to change his view towards the game. He/she will discover that the game is exciting, thrilling, and fun. He will practice playing to kill an AI character. This will lead to continuous playing and eventually improve his/her skills and strategies.When that happens, he/she will kill an AI and be ready to compete with other players. At middle time of a gamer, he/she finds DotA as a place of recreation and entertainment. His/her addiction of the game is showing. A gamer spends most of their free time playing the game solo or with friends. Other gamers still play sports and socialize with friends and play DotA afterwards. This case is a proof of attachment with the game. Some gamers treat DotA as a hobby. They only play for pastime or to entertain their self. They are not considered as addicted.On the other hand, a gamer is considered addict when he/she plays more than an hour, spends money to heat up the game, and chooses the game instead of socializing with others. There are other reasons or symptoms that based a gamer addicted. As time goes by, for existing gamers, they turn out to become advance game player. The game is as familiar as their house. Strategies are like rock, scissor, and paper game. They can switch to new strategy for whenever they want. In-game characters are like dolls they control as they command. ââ¬Å"Change is the only constantâ⬠, said Heraclitus (535-375 BC).Changes show in the later time of the gamer. There are changes in gamersââ¬â¢ physical appearance, thinking capacity, socialization, and studies. These changes affect the playerââ¬â¢s daily life. The gamer is different from his/her past self. If he/she attends a reunion, his/her relatives would think of him for another person. ââ¬Å"Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. Car pal tunnel syndrome has long been associated with computer use, so it's no surprise that it's a physical symptom of gaming addiction.Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused when the main nerve between the forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. This occurs when the carpal tunnel ââ¬â the area of the wrist that houses the main nerve and tendons ââ¬â becomes irritated or swollen. Overuse of a computer mouse can cause such irritation and swelling, as can excessive use of a video game controller. Migraine headaches typically start in one spot and slowly spread, getting more painful as they progress. In severe cases, the pain can be so extreme that it causes the sufferer to vomit. Light and noise can cause excruciating pain.Someone who plays video games for extended periods of time is more prone to migraines because of the intense concentration required and the strain put on the eyes. The term ââ¬Å"sleep disturbancesâ⬠covers several sleep-related disorders, including insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, nocturnal myoclonus (periodic leg or arms jerks during sleep), and parasomnia (i. e. , night terrors, sleepwalking or talking, and nightmares). Sleep disturbances are caused, in part, by overstimulation of the brain. However, some people can't get a good night's sleep simply because they think obsessively about the game they're playing.Backaches are a common physical symptom of gaming addiction because most gamers stay seated in the same position for hours on end. The lack of movement causes stiffness and soreness, but could deteriorate into chronic back problems. Eating irregularities are caused by gaming addiction simply because most addicted gamers don't want to take the time to eat properly. Rather than eating healthy, balanced meals, they eat food that is quick and usually unhealthy. In extreme cases, the gamer may choose not to eat at all. An addicted gamer is not going to take the time to properly care for himself.Showers, face-washing, and brushing h air and teeth all get put on the back burner. It simply becomes less of a priority, if it's a priority at all. These physical consequences will occur in varying degrees from one gamer to another. Though the severity of physical consequences is often tied to the severity of the addiction, this is not always the case. A gamer that is already in poor physical condition will be more susceptible to these effects early on. â⬠2 Video game is also a cause of obesity particularly with kids. They eat while their character is dead and wait until it respawn.Gamer mostly eats unhealthy or foods with imbalance nutrients. They do not exercise even sometimes which results to gaining weight, and back and wrist pains. This case majority happens to addicted players. A game playerââ¬â¢s intellectual capabilities varies depend on his/her attitude or personalities. It also depends on their way of thinking and past knowledge. Gamers with strong and sharp mind usually win a session game in DotA. Ga mersââ¬â¢ mind thinks fast that is to establish game strategy and to take up the lead. This factor is a good effect of video game.He/she can make decisions fast but careful because he/she thinks as if he/she is still playing. He/she does not want to screw his game play and strategic plan. ââ¬Å"Playing a game which requires very fast deployment of visual attention and motor movement could prime a strategy of speed over accuracy,â⬠explained Nelson, ââ¬Å"while playing a game which emphasizes a slower, more thoughtful pace could prime the opposite pattern. The main point is that different kinds of video games engage different cognitive and perceptual skills, and there are measurable differences in their effects, even in the short term. Similar results have been noted in previous research by Daphne Bavelier, of the University of Rochester in New York. She co-authored a study that showed video game players have improved hand-to-eye coordination, increased visual processing, s tronger mental rotation skills and enhanced visuo-spatial memory. â⬠3 Defense of the Ancients is not as addictive as massive multi-online role playing game (MMORPG), where a player maintains and upgrades level and strength of his character and does not restart the character information after logging off.Meanwhile, DotA characters start at level one every session of game. DotA is more fun to play with peers than playing alone. The average length of a game session with user opponent is sixty minutes. Thus, it gives the player to interact with his teammate and opponents for an hour. It is virtual socialization, where a player speaks through the chat bar and dialog box, and interact with other player with his game character. Socialization in real life comes after a session. Gamers snacks together and talks about their finished game and criticize the player who cause the win or loss.It creates bonds and trusts for playmate. Gamers that play in computer shop increase their peers who they met and play the game with. Too much attachment to the game DotA affects relationships with family, relatives, friends and other people. A gamer that chooses to spend all of his free time and sleep for playing neglects his social interaction with relatives and in school. He only interacts with the player or peer he is playing with. And since he lacks sleep, there is a chance that he will fall asleep in class and affects his school performance. Peers changes the gamerââ¬â¢s way of socializing.The gamer absorbs the negative treatment onto him and do it himself onto other game player. He tries to bully weaker player ââ¬â easy kill, easy money. And his way of speaking changes. Polite becomes impolite and occasionally turns to being rude. Some of his words are swap with words from the game, ixempli gratia, godlike and ââ¬Ëimbaââ¬â¢, which only a DotA game player understands. Most of his expression is about the game. He loves to talk all things about DotA only with other DotA player. He will not try to talk about it with non-gamer for they would not understand.Some gamers who are attached to the game do not fail in class. He manages his time carefully and controls his self with his decision to not set aside studies for computer game. Unfortunately, other gamers fall behind lectures. The common reason is lack of sleep. Gamer often yawn in class and inevitably fall asleep. Some gamers do not attend their first class and later drop the subject. There are gamer that do not spend their money allowance for snacks instead spend it for computer rental, if the gamer do not have computer at home or he just want to play DotA with other player.Other gamers decrease their time for study and spend it for socialization with peers through DotA. DotA had different tournaments. There are Local Area Network (LAN) tournament, online tournament, international tournaments and other tournaments. Advance players grab this opportunity to challenge their skills and to compe te with other strong players, but the common reason for joining is the prize especially the cash. Winners gain reputation. Losers gain rivals. The population of DotA gamers consists mostly of students. Their allowance usually goes to computer rental. Other gamers are nonstudent, with occupation and bystander.Bystanders have more free time to play though they have insufficient fund for renting computer though they can only play alone at home through internet if they have computer. Those advance gamers with jobs are the ones who usually place bets to heat up their game. This is a form of gambling. They even place bets though they are only watching. Gamers make money through winning bets and tournaments. Experience is knowledge. We gain lessons in every experience. Experience sharpens our personality. Our mistake is a lesson to avoid and improve the right one. Gamers experience the changes which were discussed in the last topic.While playing DotA, gamers experience different feelings a nd emotions like hunger, fun, excitement, and thrill. These emotions are triggered by neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine. These brain chemicals are responsible for animalsââ¬â¢ sense of pleasure. The brain secretes these chemicals when the body feels excitement, joy, or pain. Even a fake smile can cause pleasure and trick the body that it is happy. ââ¬Å"Then, there's the excitement. A good game will get your pulse racing and your adrenaline pumping, even if you're just sitting on the couch holding a controller.Games with a time component amplify this excitement, even in simple games like Jewel Quest where you're down to one second before everything blows up because you didn't find the three matching gems. â⬠4 During the game session, the hand-to-eye coordination is used. Most of the time, hands and eyeballs are the only part of the body that moves. They seldom stretch their hand, legs, and neck. Parts of the body that is not use become weak. DotA gamers expe rience lack of sleep because of playing. The gamers do not care of time during the session. His focus and attention are in the game only.They ignore other matter even emergency calls and text messages are ignored. Reply is given upon the end of the game session. These are reasons why parents and girlfriend/boyfriend, if there is any, get upset. Based on the observation of the researcher, gamers , particularly on weekend, start to play at nine in the morning and finish at about four the next morning, then get some rest and come back playing. They said, they only eat, take small amount of time to sleep, wake up, eat again, take a bath, then go to internet shop to resume his play. For students, they usually play after class hours.They are sometimes distracted by the thoughts of DotA while in the class. They are excited for class dismissal. They come home late and make their parents anxious. Some of these students are being fetched by their parent. Some act shy, on the other hand, some act tough and proud. In Internet shop, gamers are happy, and noisy. During the session, they shout and trash-talk each side even the watchers shout. Harsh and mean words are trash-talk like ââ¬Ëweakââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëlousyââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëslowââ¬â¢, and ââ¬Ëgayââ¬â¢. The competition each game is intense. Gamers who lose often get bullied and easily angered.Later, this bullied player, sometime, cause trouble and brawl. Losers feel sad, depression, and shame, and think for a new strategy to win the next game. They gain rivals to overcome, putting more time for practice game to improve tactics. On the other hand, winners celebrate, feels fun, and gain challengers. Some gamers quit, but there are new players who replace them. The reasons of new players are curiosity towards the game, seek of fun, peer pressure, and friendship. People find ways to eradicate pressure and boredom. One of it is playing DotA.The game DotA has effects depends on the physical and mental capacity of t he gamer. Weak-willed mind and poor health are more susceptible to game addiction and negative changes in their personality and body. Playing the game reduces time for socialization and study. Game players must learn how to control their selves to refuse from overuse of time and money for playing. Parents must watch their kids. It is hard to forbid kids from playing video game. This action can cause the kids to rebel. So, give them outdoor activity like sports to balance their mind and body. Definition of termsBugs are small insect. Bugs, in computer program, is an error, flaws, or mistake in a computer program that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways. Farming ,in agriculture, it is an activity of growing crops and raising livestock. Farming, in DotA, is an act of collecting gold. figurehead is a person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority. Glitch is a minor malfunction, or technical problem. Godlike means resembling or having the qualities of God or a god. In DotA, it is a call for having nine consecutive player kills.Imba is an abbreviation for ââ¬Å"imbalancedâ⬠. Imba can be applied to a subject in gaming (Weapon, army, race, role or job) which can be either too strong (Overpowered, or OP) or too weak (Underpowered, or UP). Insomnia is a specific kind of sleep disorder in which the patient is not able to get into sleep or the patient is not able to remain asleep for an adequate period of time Jerk is a single quick motion of short duration. Micro is a word comes from the Greek word micros meaning small. Micro (microing),in DotA, is an act of last hitting creeps.Narcolepsy is a condition characterized by an extreme tendency to fall asleep whenever in relaxing surroundings. Parasomnia, from the Latin meaning ââ¬Å"around sleep,â⬠is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal sleep behaviors. Parasomnias involve unconscious complex, semi-purposeful, and goal-directed behaviors that have meaning or importance to the individual. These can include night terrors, sleepwalking, sleep eating, sleep sex, rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder, or any number of potential behaviors that occur while the person remains asleep. re-gamers means a potential game player that is not yet a game player. Respawn Also known as spawn, respawn is a gaming term used to describe the action of a computer player or human player coming back to life after being killed. Restless leg syndrome (Nocturnal myoclonus) is a disorder in which there is an urge or need to move the legs to stop unpleasant sensations. Screw is a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven in to wood or the like by rotating, especially by means of a screwdriver.Screw means to mess something up, turn things for the worse. Sleep apnea is the temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, often resulting in daytime sleepiness. Apnea is a Greek wo rd that means ââ¬Å"want of breath. â⬠Spatial memory is the part of memory responsible for recording information about one's environment and its spatial orientation. Trash-talk is a form of boast or insult commonly heard in competitive situations. Visuospatial is pertaining to perception of the spatial relationships among objects within the field of vision.
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